Tutorials for Entrepreneurs
—Learn How to Use GrowthWheel Online


Hi, I’m Elizabeth. I have made the 9 videos below to give you a quick introduction to how you can use the tools on GrowthWheel Online to grow your business.

  1. Welcome to GrowthWheel Online

  2. Business Profile

  3. Financial Overview

  4. 360º Screening

  5. Ambitions and Outcomes

  6. 30-60-90 Days Plan

  7. Viewing your Custom Toolbox

    + Bonus 1: GrowthWheel Framework Overview

    + Bonus 2: A Closer Look at the Focus Areas

Welcome to GrowthWheel Online

Welcome to GrowthWheel Online [1:51]
This video dives into GrowthWheel Online so you can see all the tools we have for you to use to grow and manage your business. Although you can definitely use GrowthWheel on paper only, you can get the most out of it by using the Online Platform as well. In this video, you'll see the main tools of GrowthWheel Online. Tools like the Business Profile where you can create a good looking document about your business to show lenders or investors in under an hour. And the Financial Overview where you can track key numbers like your revenue, profit, assets, and liabilities for a lending application. Or the Growth Plan that helps you get focused on your big ambitions and where you need to make decisions and take action.

Business Profile

Business Profile [4:17]
You'll see how fast and easily you can create a Business Profile that includes important information about your business, including information about your products or services, your markets or customer segments, business partners, and more! Having a complete Business Profile not only helps your GrowthWheel Certified Business Advisor to guide you better because they have the important information about your business, it is also a great way to introduce your business to bankers, lenders, investors, and key partners in a sleek and professional way!

Financial Overview

Financial Overview [4:28]
We're going to dive into the Financial Overview and how you can quickly track your key metrics and numbers.  Imagine being able to show your lender or investor sleek, easy to read financial statements! Imagine no more! With the Financial Overview you can easily track your company's revenue, profits, assets & liabilities, employee numbers, funds received, and financial ratios. Then simply download the PDF with a full financial overview of your company. No more wondering if you are hitting your financial goals - you can tell if you are hitting your financial targets with a glance!

360º Screening

360º Screening [4:49]
Let's begin looking at how you can make a short (or long) GrowthPlan on GrowthWheel Online to use just for yourself or to share with your GrowthWheel Certified Advisor. Specifically, in this video we will focus on using the 360 degree Screening to quickly find the right focus for your business. It's a great way to get the big picture so you can focus on first things first. You'll also find that there are 3 ways to do the 360 degree Screening - assessing your current status, assessing your business' opportunities, or assessing the skills in your business. Regardless of which type of assessment you choose, you will easily be able to see where you need help to create growth in your business.

Ambitions and Outcomes

Ambitions and Outcomes [4:53]
Your dreams are important! And if something is important, it's worth writing down and tracking - otherwise, how can you celebrate when you've achieved it (and how likely ARE you to achieve it if you don't write it down and track it?)? Your big ambitions may include increasing your revenue, recruiting a new key employee, start exporting, or become better known in the media. Regardless of your ambition, by tracking it in your GrowthPlan, you will know what needs your focus. And let's not forget to track the qualitative and quantitative achievements and results you've achieved, so you can remember to note (and celebrate) your progress!

30-60-90 Days Plan

30-60-90 Days Plan [3:14]
The final, and very important, part of your GrowthPlan is the 30-60-90 Days Plan. See, nothing happens without action. And while it is great to plan for the next few years, the reality is that all you have to work with is right now. So instead of focusing 3 years into the future, why not limit your focus to the next 3 months? What can you achieve in the next quarter? By focusing on what you need to get done in the next 30-60-90 days, you can have an overview of all the work ahead of you in a flexible plan that you can adapt to your reality.  In other words, let's do this!

7. Viewing your Custom Toolbox

Viewing your Custom Toolbox [2:37]
Depending upon your needs, your advisor may have shared a GrowthWheel Article or two with you - they are easy to read, short (3-4 pages in length) and cover the basics of a topic. Or maybe you'll receive a couple of GrowthWheel Frameworks, which are visual infographics that help explain a concept. Or maybe you'll have a couple of writable GrowthWheel Decision Sheets (complete with 90 second videos that explain the Decision Sheet) waiting for you to fill out, to help you come to the best conclusion (because you'll see all the options available). Regardless of the type of tool, you'll find how to use all the resources in your toolkit and how to find a record of any meetings or interactions you've had with your Advisor.

Bonus 1: GrowthWheel Framework Overview

GrowthWheel Framework Overview [3:00]
In this video we start with a quick Introduction to the GrowthWheel Framework, which can help you get a 360 degree perspective on your business. Learn what the colors of the wheel mean, how they apply to businesses regardless of the industry, life stage, or size.

Bonus 2: A Closer Look at the Focus Areas

A Closer Look at the Focus Areas [3:06]
In this video we're going to dive into a closer look at the 20 Focus Areas and how you can gain a 360 degree perspective on your business.  Many of these Focus Areas will look familiar to you because you're already working on them! If you've been running a business for just 6 months, you've made decisions in each of the focus areas!