2020 in Review: New Releases on GrowthWheel Online

Over the course of 2020, we have improved and added new features on GrowthWheel Online thanks to our users' valuable feedback!

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We are committed to making continuous and never-ending improvements to the software in collaboration with our users. We release new features every month, and we have hundreds of upcoming features on our road map.

In 2020 we released 10 new features. Check them out below or see them in action on the GrowthWheel Online platform.

Release overview


January: Update to Financial Overview: Financial Ratios added

We started 2020 with a bang and with a major improvement over the existing Financial Overview menu on GrowthWheel Online.

We added the Ratios feature where you - or your clients - can see all the standard financial ratios automatically calculated as soon as basic financial information is entered on other pages, like the Balance Sheet page or Revenue page.


February: Geomaps: All your clients. On a map

With this February update to the GrowthWheel Online platform, you now had the ability to get a visual overview of your clients’ locations and easy access to information about them.

On the newly added Geomap, you can see where your clients are located. You can also zoom in on the map or search for cities and postal codes in order to find exactly the area you are interested in.


March: Update of the GrowthPlan: Improved Mapping of Ambitions

COVID-19 took the world by storm, and the main focus of our March update was to help businesses navigate the challenges that came with the pandemic and rethink their long-term strategies.

We released new features to our Ambitions page, which will support the ongoing process of defining and tracking ambitions, milestones, goals, or visions for the future.


May: Budgeting Investments

The world was going through turmoil, but our commitment to helping businesses rethink their approach and push through these unprecedented times remained ever so strong.

With this in mind, we released the new investment feature thus aiding businesses in planning and keeping track of current and future investments.


June: Revenue Budgets. Specified by Products and Markets

We continued developing and improving the GrowthWheel Online platform to help you and your clients cope with the crisis that has affected so many businesses worldwide.

This time, we expanded on our previous update and included the revenue budgets for products and markets feature, thus providing you with an effortless way to budget the revenue per quarter and year.


July: Improved Budget Feature: Complete Profit and Loss Budget on GrowthWheel Online

For our last update, we released Revenue Budgets broken down by products and markets. We now took this to the finish line and launched a complete budgeting feature to be used by advisors and clients on GrowthWheel Online - the simplest and fastest way to make a budget.


August: Add Tags and Filter Your Client List

For our August release, we introduced you to the new tagging feature, which will be used to quickly filter and find your client companies by categories that you define yourself.

A very simple feature where you just select your client, type any word you want, click enter, and the tag will be added to that particular client.


October: Chat with your clients and colleagues

A major feature has been added to the GrowthWheel Online platform - Chat in Real-time.

With this new feature, you can quickly get in touch with a client while simultaneously working on their business.


November: Advisors’ Personal Notes + Zoom links for meetings

With our November update, we released a brand new Personal Advisors’ Notes feature, where you can now add unlimited notes on all your clients on GrowthWheel Online. 

You can now also add all your custom Video Conference links and choose the one you want to use for each meeting.


December: Upgraded “Contact View” & new Pre-Clients list

Our December release enabled you to manage your clients more easily via the new and improved menus for all your clients and the new “Pre-Clients” submenu where you can manage potential clients.

That's all for 2020! Be safe, be well, and stay close by since we will constantly be rolling out new features for the GrowthWheel Online platform and make it better and more productive for you and your clients.