New Features

New Release: Client Dashboard

The Client Dashboard
- Track your clients’ progress

Did you notice the Client Dashboard. Here you can see the stats for all open decisions and actions that you are working on with your clients, as well as stats for the completed ones. 

The decisions and actions are sorted by Work Area in pie charts that will help you get an overview of what you are working on. 

To find the Client Dashboard, go to "My Clients", select the client that you would like to see the stats for, and go to the menu "Client Dashboard".  

New Release: Online 30-60-90 Day Plan

Try out the Online 30-60-90 Day Plan
- Track actions and decisions. Follow up.
Print documentation. Share with colleagues.

We hope you like the new client collaboration features in the beta version. Did you take a look at the Online 30-60-90 Day Plan? This tool will help you and your clients keep track of all the decisions and actions you are working on.

To find the Online 30-60-90 Day Plan go to the top menu "My Clients" and select a client from your client list. New menus will appear for this client and among them the 30-60-90 Day Plan.

In the 30-60-90 Day Plan, you will find all the decisions and actions from the 360° Screenings that you and your client have shared with each other. You can add new decisions and actions directly to the 30-60-90 Day Plan, as well as prioritize and resolve them.

#1: Add decisions and actions to the 360° Screening

When you or your client do a 360° Screening you can add decision and action notes to each Focus Area by clicking on the note bubble. 

#2: Share your 360°Screening

Only decision and action notes on shared 360° Screenings will be displayed on the 30-60-90 Day Plan.

#3: 30-60-90 Day Plan

Go to the menu "30-60-90 Day Plan" to view all shared decisions and actions. You can easily prioritize them by 30, 60, 90 days, or later, delete or mark them completed.

#4: Create more decisions and actions

If you prefer, you and your client can also add decisions and actions directly to the 30-60-90 Day Plan. 

New Release: GrowthWheel Online Beta

Become Beta Tester
- Get access to the new features

Become Beta tester to get access to the beta version of the new client management menu, the Online 360° Screening, and Online 30-60-90 Day Plan.

As Beta tester, you will find a new menu called "My Clients" On GrowthWheel Online. Click on it to get started right away - or follow the step-by-step instructions below. 

Use the tools with your clients for a real-life feedback right away!

#1: Getting started

Go to the new top menu "My Clients" and select "My Client List". Here you will find all your clients with access to GrowthWheel Online. 

#2: Invite your first client

To invite a new client select "New Company" and fill out the information.
We suggest that your start by inviting yourself (e.g. your personal email) or a colleague. This will give you a better understanding of how it works.

#3: View the client

Select one of your clients. In "Client Profile" you can see all current information on the client. In "Team members" you can add more members. In "Client 360° Screenings" you can view old screenings or create a new. 

#4: Create your first screening

Go to the menu "Client 360° Screenings" to create a new screening. Start by naming the screening. Then select one of the 3 types of screenings and complete the screening. 

#5: Add comments and discuss ideas

If you have any ideas, decisions or actions you would like to remember or discuss with your client you can add comments to the Focus area. Your client will be able to respond.

#6: Choose Focus Areas to work on

Select the top 3 Focus Areas you would like to work on the next 30, 60 or 90 days. 

#7: Share the 360° Screening with your client

When the 360° Screening is done your can choose to save it as a draft for your own use. Or you can save it and share it with your client, who will be able to see it and reply on your comments.