GrowthWheel to attend Women’s Business Center’s Leadership Conference on Sept 12 in Alexandria, VA

In three weeks, GrowthWheel will participate in the WBS’s Annual Leadership Conference. This year's theme is Today’s Dream, Tomorrow’s Impact.

The purpose of the conference is among others training and capacity-building for WBC’s leaders and their staff.
Moreover, the conference will focus on strategic planning, program expansion, impact measurement, governance, fundraising and leadership development.

The focus areas above are all implemented in the GrowthWheel Toolbox which is why GrowthWheel also hosts a Certification Course on the 14th-15th of September in connection with the event.

We are looking forward to be a part of the WBC's Leadership Conference 2017.


GrowthWheel joins the Great Lakes International Summit in Michigan on the 25th of September

We are looking forward to be a part of the GLIn2 conference in Grand Rapids, MI this September. The conference is organized by Michigan Business Incubation Association and Wisconsin Business Innovation Association. 

In relation to the conference, GrowthWheel is hosting a two-days Certification Course for both new business advisors and already certified advisors who want a re-certification.

Innovation, Business Incubator and Startups are the main focus areas for this event. The many knowledgeable speakers will deal with topics such as Investor Pitch Mistakes, Cross-Border collaborations and Creative Communities. 

Drop by our booth for a quick demo of how our online platform can help Startup companies. 

If you would like to become a GrowthWheel Certified Advisor or get an update on the new features of GrowthWheel Online join our Certification Course on September 25-26.


Welcome to 9 new Certified Business Advisors in Lillehammer, Norway

Yesterday we finished our third Certification Course in Norway this year.

The course took place in Lillehammer in Norway, which became famous due to their their phenomenal performance at the Winter Olympics in 1994.

Due to the great success, GrowthWheel continues the expansion in Norway with a partnership with the norwegian incubator SIVA.

We are proud to welcome certified advisors from:

  - Horten Kommune

  - Landsbyen Næringshage A/S

  - Magnor Næringshage A/S

  - Sápmi Næringshage A/S

  - Senja Næringshage A/S

  - Sauda Vekst


The next Norwegian Certification Courses are in Horten on October 3-4 and in Kristiansand on December 18-19, 2017.

Read more here:


GrowthWheel at America’s SBDC Annual Conference in Nashville, TN on Sep 4-8

We are looking forward to join the ASBDC conference next month in Nashville.

The theme of this year’s conference is “Work Smarter. Live Better.”

The conference will deal with important topics such as Cybersecurity, Business Planning, Incubators and Co-Working spaces.

Again, GrowthWheel is happy to sponsor the conference. Drop by our booth for a quick demo of how our online platform can help advisors work smarter.

If you would like to become a GrowthWheel Certified Advisor join our pre-con Certification Course in Nashville on September 4-5.


NEW RELEASE: Now Financials on GrowthWheel Online

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Track Your Clients' Progress
—Print a one-page PDF with financials

It is our vision that GrowthWheel Online can be used to gather all the information that clients, advisors, and lenders need, and that it can be printed as a great-looking PDF with a single click. 

With this release we are happy to introduce Financials. This new feature helps you track the revenue, export, profit, and funds for each client.

Financials are part of the Business Profile, that you can download as a professionally looking PDF file, or export as an Excel file. But it is also a way to keep track of clients and their progress. 

Your clients can also make a Business Profile on their own. Less typing work for you, more time to help your clients grow. 

In Analytics, you can see revenue charts and tables for all your clients that you can use for reporting. If you are a manager you can see aggregated data for the whole organization. 

New Feature: Financials
Track clients' revenue quarter by quarter

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#1 Add information

You only need to add the information that is relevant for each client. You can choose to add years to the tables and customize them to only show it for the tables your client needs.

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#2 Automatic visual analytics

All info you add to financials will automatically show up as graphs, that will help you analyze the numbers. 

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#3 Client revenue view

Now you can see the revenue for each of your clients in the Client List by switching to the new Client Revenue View. 

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#4 Analytics for all clients

In "Analytics", you can get a quick overview of all your clients' aggregated financials with graphs and tables. 

New Feature: Take Your Data and Walk Away
—Export the Business Profile in Excel

If you need to import data from the Business Profile to another system, all data is good to go. You can easily download one or more clients' Business Profiles as Excel files that you can upload to another system, or you can print the data as visual PDF reports. And your clients can do the same.

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More Improvements
Based on your suggestions

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Employee count

The employee count has been improved and moved to "Team" in the Business Profile, where you can now create a table with the number of all employees. 

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Completed decisions and actions

We have added the completion date to the 30-60-90 Action Plan. You can now see a list of all completed decisions and actions sorted by completion date. 

What is Next?
—A sneak peek of what we are working on...

In GrowthWheel, we are committed to making continuous and never-ending improvements of the software in collaboration with our users.

Every month, we release new features, and we have hundreds of upcoming features in our road map.

Here are a few of the most exciting ones:

  • Add competitor page and board member page to the Business Profile 
  • Improved 30-60-90 Action Plan with assigned tasks
  • Improved notification system (gamification) with more reminders and notifications

Back in Copenhagen for certification of 25 business advisors

This week we were back in Copenhagen, where it all started 10 years ago, for certification of 25 business advisors from Denmark, Faroe Islands and Norway. 

We are happy to welcome advisors from the following organizations to our community: 

  • Business Kolding
  • D2i - Design to innovate
  • Erhvervsakademi Aarhus
  • ErhvervsCentret Greve
  • Hugskotið
  • Kalundborgegnens Erhvervsråd
  • Lejre Kommune
  • Slagelse Erhvervscenter A/S
  • Telemark Næringshage AS
  • TwentySeven
  • Vækstfabrikken Innovation House Aps
  • Vækstfabrikken Innovation House China-Denmark
  • Væksthus Hovedstadsregionen
  • Visit Tórshavn
  • Helsingør kommune - Center for Erhverv, Politik og Organisation

Great to be back in Mexico!

This week David Madié and co-instructor, Juan Saldana, have been in Guadalajara, Mexico for certification of 8 business advisors from ENLACE+, ITESO and ITESM.  

It was great to be back in Mexico, and we are happy to welcome the advisors to our growing community. Take a look at the pictures below!







GrowthWheel at EBN 2017 Congress in Paris, France on July 5-7

EBN Congress 2017

We are looking forward to join the annual EBN Congress for professionals in the innovation and entrepreneurship sphere. The congress takes place in Paris, France on July 5-7. 

This year the congress will be structured around the idea of "OPEN": Open innovation, open ecosystems, open entrepreneurship, open startup, open data. 

Innovation ecosystems are rapidly changing with institutional development thanks to the presence of new actors, new visions, the rapid growth of digital, the cloud and big data, the implementation of agile process, and open innovation within corporates. The congress will propose, as well a challenge, participating startups, corporates, investors and innovation ecosystems.

GrowthWheel are sponsors of the congress. David Madié, Oliver Mika, Gitte Krenk and Søren Weber from our team will join the congress, and are looking forward to demo all the new features on GrowthWheel Online. 

David Madié will also participate in the workshop "EU|BIC Benchmarking and Impact Assessment" where he will discuss with Giordano Dichter, EBN Belgium, how to effectively measure the impact of an EU|BIC, and how to present key performance indicators (and stories!) to the key territorial influencers and decision-making people.

50 Advisors certified in Johannesburg

On June 13-14 we were back in South Africa for certification of 50 business advisors. We are happy to welcome the advisors from the following organizations to our community:

  • BICSA - Bakery & food technology Incubator of South Africa
  • Biofuels Business Incubator
  • Born Global Technologies
  • Chemin
  • DUT Centre for Social Entrepreneurship
  • Ekurhuleni Jewellery Project
  • Esayidi Rapid Incubator & Centre for Entrepreneurship
  • Exponential Marketing Consulting
  • FDJ Integrated Customer Solutions
  • Goldfields TVET College - Centre for Entrepreneurship
  • H Dreyer & Associates (Pty) Ltd
  • Lepharo Ekhuruleni Based metals SEDA Incubator
  • Motheo TVET College: Line and Manufacturing Design Incubation Centre
  • Orbit TVET College - Centre for entrepreneurship
  • Property Point
  • Seda Agricultural and Mining Tooling Incubator
  • SEDA HQ TechTransferFund
  • The Innovation Hub Management Company
  • Vhembe TVET Incubation/CfE Centre
  • Zevoli Consulting

Back in our own hood...

Last week business advisors from upstate New York, downtown Brooklyn and Eastern New Jersey got together for a 2-days Certification Course at our office in Brooklyn. 

At the course our new colleague, Elizabeth Binning, joined David as co-trainer. Elizabeth has worked for 11 years in the Illinois SBDC network as advisor and director. She was GrowthWheel Certified in 2014 and was one of our Elite Users while still with the SBDC Network.

At the course we were happy to welcome advisors from Brooklyn SBDC, Cornerstone Studio LTD, NJSBDC of Bergen County, and Southern Tier High Technology Incubator, Inc.

GrowthWheel Certification at our Brooklyn office

New Release: GrowthWheel Online 3.0

Announcing: GrowthWheel Online 3.0
—Help you clients grow in the cloud

The last year we have invested a lot of time developing the new GrowthWheel Online platform. Hundreds of beta testers have helped us test and improve the new features, and we are happy to announce that it's now ready to go live!

With GrowthWheel Online 3.0 you can work with your clients online and produce reports that track client progress like never before. The new features will help you attract clients, create better results, and be more productive. 

In this release we have also reorganized the menus and improved the design with new icons. This will make it much easier and faster for you to navigate on the platform, share tools, and work with clients online.


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In the menu "My Toolbox" you can (like always) find all tools as writable PDF's, that you can download or email to clients. You can also upload your own tools, save favorites, and search for tools in the search bar. 

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In the new menu "My Clients" you can work with clients online: Write a business profile, track ambitions and outcomes, do screenings and action plans, and manage your client relation. All features have visual analytics and can be printed as PDF reports. 

10 Ways to use GrowthWheel Online
—Try all the new features

#1 Work with your clients online

In "My Clients" you can manage your clients, share them with your colleagues, or invite them to work with you online. More...

#2 List client ambitions

List your client's ambitions and mark with a traffic light indicator if they are on track, in progress, or a challenge. More...


#3 Get a 360° view on focus areas

Do a 360° screening of each client's progress or opportunities and save it in the cloud, or invite your clients to do a screening themselves. More...

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#4 Download or email visual tools

Download GrowthWheel tools for decision making as writable PDF files or make custom packages that you can email to your client. More...

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#5 Share your own tools

You and your client can upload and share files, including your own personal tools, legal forms, spreadsheets and more. More...

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#6 Create a 30-60-90 Action Plan

List, prioritize, and keep track of all actions and decisions you and your client have agreed to work on. More...


#7 View instant visual analytics

Get the big picture of what you work on: Your clients’ activities, their progress, and your client portfolio. Then download all analytics as visual PDF reports. More...


#8 Track outcomes and metrics

Keep track quarterly of both quantitative results and qualitative achievements you and your client have created together. More...

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#9 Log interactions

Log each meeting, phone call, or workshop you have with your client and track time spent, along with action-oriented meeting minutes. More...

#10 Print a Business Profile

Make a visual Business Profile with all info about the business and print it as visual PDF report. Back it up with the company's financials. Then you got everything a lender could wish for. More...

GrowthWheel to join "Maximizing Millennial Minds" Conference on June 8-9

On June 8-9 Louisiana SBDC, in partnership with America's SBDC, is hosting the annual "Maximizing Millennial Minds" conference in New Orleans. This year's theme is “Investing in Innovation” and the aim is to explore, engage and elevate millennials in the SBDC network.

GrowthWheel has been invited to take part in the professional development training with no less that 4 talks. 

Through professional development training, the conference will focus on recruitment and retention of the workforce’s largest generation as well as discover innovative ways to improve the consulting process when assisting entrepreneurs.

According to the U.S. Census Bureau Data, more than one-in-three American workers today are Millennials, and Millennials have surpassed Baby Boomers as the nation’s largest living generation.

GrowthWheel is already used by hundreds of Millennial SBDC business advisors around the country. We are looking forward to great conversations and an exiting program. 


Happy to be back in Illinois with long-term partner Illinois SBDC

This week we have spent 3 days in Champaign, IL for certification and re-certification of 20 business advisors from Illinois SBDC. 

Illinois SBDC has been our partner since 2012 and were one of the first SBDC networks to go for state-wide implementation. 

The course is part of the pre-conference program at the IESBGA Annual Conference that takes place in Champaign on May 17-19. We are sponsors of the conference and are looking forward to discuss this year's theme "Catalyst for Breakthroughs". 

GrowthWheel Certification in Illinois